My reason for reading

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

— George Bernard Shaw

Over the past twenty years, I learned that life is very much a winding path with twists and turns that unsettle our natural balance. Sometimes, you’ll stumble over rocky terrain. Other times, you’ll be able to pause and admire the mesmerising vista that rests before you.

This journal is all about that. I call it inertia because I’ve struggled with stagnation and self-imposed resistance a lot in my life. Resistance to change is one of my biggest areas of focus because I believe overcoming inertia is the foundation for improving our self-awareness, motivation, growth, consistent action, accountability, and more.

Even when you have a clear vision of what you want, whether it’s career-related, health-related (which I cover in my other journal), or personal, internal inertia can easily prevent you from taking action; you can find yourself consistently thinking about your goals more than you ever take tangible actions toward them.

The incredible thing about self-improvement through history and philosophy is you build foundations taken from the texts and lessons that have stood the test of time through countless generations. You’ll find references and answers to almost any ambition, which tells you a lot has changed, but also not much at all.

If you can absorb the words and ideas that have been well-preserved for longer than our lives, it will bring you closer to mastering inertia — something vital to any success you go on to have.

What do I mean by mastering inertia?

We’ve all been there. You have an idea of what you want to achieve someday. It might be career-related, or it might be improving your healthspan. But despite your desire and declarations to accomplish these things, you don’t.

You think about it, you read about it, you make resolutions, and you tell yourself every day that you’ll get it done. Yet, your judgement fails to exceed the work.

It’s been me. More than once. We all struggle with choice overload, the abundance in the world, and procrastination. So this journal is here to help you as it is me.

Your destination can remain uncertain as your journey continues. Everyone has the opportunity in each moment to choose their own course and align their actions with their values. To see life not as something happening to us, but something we have a hand in shaping.

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The art of self; living sustainably, creating yourself, and doing less, better.


Self. Sustainable wellbeing. Physiology. Inertia.